U.S. History & Government at Miller School

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Blogging U.S. History


We will use the blog in several different ways over the course of the year.

“React” Post Comments

Each student is required to make two comments on the blog in each unit. These comments count as part of the assignment portion of your grade. This means that over three weeks (roughly the average the length of a unit), you will need to write two comments in response to the “React” posts on the blog. React posts can take a variety of forms: current events that relate to history, art, images, or brief historical documents are all things that could be the subject of a React post. There will be at least two React posts a week that are eligible for you to comment on, so you will have lots of opportunities to respond–something will pop up that will make you think. Comments must be at least 200-250 words in length.


Student Work
From time to time, student work will be exhibited on the blog. If a student does a particularly excellent job on an assignment, that assignment will be posted on the blog for others to use as a model and to celebrate the student’s accomplishment. Anytime student work is used, permission will be asked of the student before any names are put on the post.


  1. Anna Graham says:

    Response to Truman Doctrine Cartoon

    This Truman Doctrine cartoon is representing the conflict around the Truman Doctrine which was an American policy to try to end imperialism during the Cold War. The cartoon is showing a middle-aged man blowing smoke out of his pipe while the “Truman Doctrine” is written in his smoke. The Truman Doctrine was the response to a crisis that was occurring at that time, so it was dealing with a highly discussed and very important topic. The gentleman in this Truman Doctrine cartoon can be observed as if he was taken by surprise or shaken, and also angry/upset, which personally, I think is representing how many Americans were feeling during this time period and how they viewed the events that were taking place. Also, I think depending on how you interpret this picture, I think that Stalin is trying to spread communism and the Truman Doctrine is trying to ‘plug the pipe’, to try stop and end the spread of the message of communism being that was being spread all around the world. With all of this being said, I believe that the smoke in this Truman Doctrine cartoon, is representing communism, and that the pipe is representing Russia.

  2. Khai la says:

    This picture depict the Truman Doctrine that had damaged Stalin and USSR at the start of the Cold War. Truman Doctrine is basically a containment used to prevent Greece and Turkey from joining the Soviet sphere. In the Doctrine, Truman stated that US would supply Greece and Turkey with money, food and other donations. This donations from US contributed in saving Greece and Turkey from crisis. Indirectly, those donations made the Soviets plan failed.
    This is the reason why Stalin seems to be choked after smoking the cigarettes of US. The doctrines was too smart and hit Turkey and Greece at the right time. It had showed a magnificent effect on distorting the initial tendency of Stalin to convince the whole EU to become Communist.
    Otherwise, cigarettes was one of the supplies that US gave to Turkey and Greece. This kind of products seems attractive to people living in crisis in Turkey and Greece and this could be one of the reason Stalin failed.
    All this picture indicates the fact that in the Cold War times, American showed a better start up at the beginning. Truman Doctrine was rather similar to George Kennan ideas that instead of sending troops, we should used our advantages of economy and provide donations to many countries that needed helps. This was called a contaminate plan and according to this picture it seemed to work more effective than the military of Soviets.

  3. Ryan Shifflett says:

    This picture at first just looks like a funny cartoon but when you look at it harder there is a deeper meaning. The Truman doctrine was a document set in place during the Cold war to block the spread of Communism, this was created in the year of 1947. What this piece of artwork represents to me is a man who is being depicted as Joseph stalin as he chokes on the smoke or has it blown in his face. The the pipe to me represents Russia and stalin at this time was trying to spread communism outside of Russia. The smoke in the piece of artwork is representing the Communism trying to leak out of Russia and enter other countries. But the is all stopped by the Truman doctrine which is represented as the cork in the picture. This represents the stopping of Stalin as he is trying to carry out the massive plan of spreading communism which the US and Truman put a stop to. As the picture depicts Staling is coughing which represents the US resisting the spread which blows back into Stalin’s face. To me this represents a strongly covered subject or study that represents a hard time for the US and other countries.

  4. william stafford says:

    This picture depicts a man that is a member of the USSR smoking on a pipe and acting as if he’s just choked on the smoke, the end of the pipe has a rolled up piece of paper that says the Truman Doctrine. This is representing the effect the doctrine has on the soviet union. When the British government was no longer going to give military/economic assistance to Greece and Turkey, two countries threatened by communism, the United States saw its opportunity to take on communism head on. The Truman Doctrine was created, allowing for the United States to give aid to countries who supported keeping individual liberties for their citizens and rejected the ideals of communism. This was the essential start of the cold war between the US and USSR. The man in the cartoon is depicted coughing and looking surprised as the truman doctrine plugs up the effort to spread communism. The man smoking the pipe is referring to the spread of communism, the truman doctrine prevents him from spreading or smoking communism.

  5. Aidan McPherson says:

    The 13th amendment is different to the other 12 amendments because it abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, excluding criminals who need to be punished. The other amendments were based on the rights of the people while this amendment was meant to create a great wave of change throughout the social and economic system. This amendment was fought over by civil wars, citizens though it would cripple the economy and make wealthy land owners poor. This amendment inspired the 20th amendment to make changes to the electoral system. Based on the president and how long determined by the people, with limitations.

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